Hudebně-literární slovník
Hudební díla inspirovaná slovesným uměním
Vladimír Spousta
he music-literary dictionary of world’s composers is a contribution to Czech lexicographic literature as it brings a new perspective on the world’s music. It exclusively focuses on composers who were inspired by verbal arts. Deep correspondence between music and literary work is often hidden or is considered as a mere coincidence. It is therefore praiseworthy that the author systematically emphasises and records this interconnection. The dictionary serves as a remarkably plentiful source of information for every admirer of art.
Světoví skladatelé
I. díl
ISBN 978-80-210-5311-3
166 pages + 660 pages on CD 16 × 23 cm; paperback
Čeští skladatelé
II. díl
ISBN 978-80-210-5642-8
272 pages + 496 pages on CD 16 × 23 cm; paperback
Skladatelé 20. století
III. díl
ISBN 978-80-210-5959-7
292 pages + 277 pages on CD 16 × 23 cm; paperback