Forgotten times and spaces

Rok vydání: 2015
Počet stran: 618
Rozměry: 21 × 26,5 cm
Vazba: pevná
Obor: Antropologie; Archeologie
ISBN: 978-80-7524-000-2; 978-80-210-7781-2
Brno: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno, v. v. i.; Masarykova univerzita
New perspectives in paleoanthropological, paleoetnological and archeological studies
Sandra SÁZELOVÁ, Martin NOVÁK and Alena MIZEROVÁ (Eds.)
Kniha přináší přes čtyřicet příspěvků mezinárodního kolektivu autorů a jejím záměrem je především shromáždit a popsat střípky předchozích, zapomenutých způsobů života. Lidský život a evoluce překlenuje různé historické epochy i místa, osud člověka se však zdá neúprosný, protože svědkové, vzpomínky i hmatatelné důkazy lidské existence se nevyhnutelně vytrácejí.
Kniha současně odráží výsledky široké, mezinárodní spolupráce Jiřího A. Svobody, významného badatele, s autory příspěvků, včetně těch, kteří se jeho dílem inspirují.
- Foreword
Sandra Sázelová, Martin Novák and Alena Mizerová - Part I
- What do Austrian pupils know about human evolution? A survey in secondary
Gerhard W. Weber and Cornelia Fitsch - Bečov IV – ein Fundort des Jungascheuléen in Böhmen
Ivana Fridrichová-Sýkorová - A new Paleolithic open-air site at Konojedy in Northern Bohemia?
Vladimír Peša - Upper acheulean occupation of Western Bohemia
Pavel Břicháček and Petr Šída - Grotte de la Verpilliere II, Germolles, France: Preliminary insights from a new Middle Paleolithic site in Southern Burgundy
Jens Axel Frick and Harald Floss - Research on underwater Mousterian: The site of Resnik – Kaštel Štafilić, Dalmatia
Ivor Karavanić - Native occurrence of larch (Larix) in Central Europe. Overview of currently available fossil record
Vlasta Jankovská and Petr Pokorný - Paleolithic hunting in the Urals
Pavel A. Kosintsev and Natalya Plasteeva - Mentum osseum: Analysis of the evolutionary hypotheses for the ontogeny and phylogeny of human chin
Daniela Cunha, Filipe Monteiro and Martin Čuta - The early Upper Paleolithic in South-Western France
Nicholas Teyssandier
- What do Austrian pupils know about human evolution? A survey in secondary
- Part II
- The Early Upper Paleolithic in Southwestern France
Nicolas Teyssandier - The pathological people of Dolní Věstonice and Pleistocene human abnormalities
Erik Trinkaus - Réflexion autour des industries gravettiennes « post-pavloviennes » de Slovaquie occidentale et de Moravie (25,500/24,500–22,000 BP NON CalibrÉ)
Michaela Polanská and Bibiána Hromadová - New Gravettian SITE from Ratnovce (Slovak Republic)
Ľubomíra Kaminská, Adrián Nemergut and Ondrej Žaár - Krems-Wachtberg East – a new findspot in the Gravettian site cluster of Krems (Austria)
Thomas Einwögerer, Marc Händel and Ulrich Simon - A New look at AN old site. Studies of Kraków Spadzista site 1968–2013
Piotr Wojtal, Krzysztof Sobczyk and Jarosław Wilczyński - The Gravettian and Epigravettian settlement of Poland
Jarosław Wilczyński - Une invitation a Jiří Svoboda pour jumeler le complexe pavlovien de Moravie et la grotte ornée et funéraire d’âge Gravettien de Cussac, France
Jacques Jaubert - Old collections and new excavations in a Gravettian key-site: the Abri Pataud (Dordogne, France)
Roland Nespoulet, Laurent Chiotti and Dominique Henry-Gambier - From Upper Perigordian to The current Non-hierarchical Gravettian in the Cantabrian Region (Northern Spain). Recent changes, current challenges
Marcel Bradtmöller, Alvaro Arrizabalaga, Aitor Calvo, Maria-Jose Iriarte-Chiapusso and Paloma de la Pena - Temporal changes in the Obsidian procurement and reduction strategy at the Upper Paleolithic site of Minamimachi-2, Hokkaido (Japan): AN APPROACH BY XRF
Masami Izuho, Jeffrey R. Ferguson, Noriyoshi Oda, Yuichi Nakazawa, Fumito Akai and Toshiro Yamahara
- The Early Upper Paleolithic in Southwestern France
- Part III
- Perceiving animals, perceiving humans: ‘Animism’ and the Aurignacian mobilE art of Southwestern Germany
Martin Porr and Kara de Maria - The first figurative portable art in the extreme of Western Europe: characterization and chronological issues
Marcos García-Diez and Blanca Ochoa - Paleolithic figurines – stylistic concept and artistic individuality
Walpurga Antl - Rediscovering Paleolithic art: overlooked ceramic figurines from the Pavlovian
Rebecca A. Farbstein and William Davies - “Ceramics” and pigments of Kostienki-1 site (Russia): research results and perspectives
Maria Zheltova and Oksana Yanshina - Some comparisons of the Paleolithic cave art between the Urals and Western
Vladimir N. Shirokov
- Perceiving animals, perceiving humans: ‘Animism’ and the Aurignacian mobilE art of Southwestern Germany
- Part IV
- Darkness under candlestick: glacial refugia on mountain glaciers
Ivan Horáček, Vojen Ložek, Markéta Knitlová and Lucie Juřičková - Moravia between Gravettian and Magdalenian
Zdeňka Nerudová and Petr Neruda - Terminal LGM dwelling structure from Mohelno in the Czech-Moravian Highlands
Petr Škrdla, Ladislav Nejman, Jaroslav Bartík, Tereza Rychtaříková, Pavel Nikolajev, Jan Eigner and Miriam Nývltová Fišáková - The Solutrean unit of El Castillo cave, Spain
Federico Bernaldo de Quirós, Pedro Castanos, José-Manuel Maíllo-Fernández and Ana Neira - Hunter-gatherer responses to abrupt environmental change from the terminal Pleistocene to the early Holocene in the Lower Amur region
Kazuki Morisaki and Hiroyuki Sato - Mesolithic people from Crimea
Sergei V. Vasiľev and Svetlana B. Borutskaya - Between North, West and South: Westphalian Mesolithic research during the last decade
Michael Baales, Martin Heinen, Jörg Orschiedt, Hans-Otto Pollman and Bernhard Stapel - On the trail of the elks: Finds from the Preboreal in Southern Sweden
Lars Larsson
- Darkness under candlestick: glacial refugia on mountain glaciers
- Part V
- Ptahanch: der Priester des Duau – DES Patrons der ägyptischen Augenärtzte
Břetislav Vachala - The oldest mythological run in Egyptian Western Desert? On the possible origins of the sed feast in Ancient Egypt
Miroslav Bárta - Simulating archeological models: Perspectives in protohistory
Balázs Komoróczy and Marek Vlach - The mystery of the Siemonia skull (Poland): from the Paleolithic to the Middle
Wioletta Nowaczewska, Andrzej Wiśniewski, Agata Cieślik, Małgorzata Bonar and Paweł Dąbrowski - Retrieval of a developmental record from dental remains: Stress chronology and age at death assessment of a juvenile skeleton from A medieval site in Moravia, Czech Republic
Adela Hupková, Wendy Dirks, Miroslav Králík and Michaela Račanská - Ethnoarcheology of Tierra del Fuego hunter-fisher-gatherer societies. The site of Lanashuaia
Ester Verdún, Jordi Estevez and Assumpcío Vila - Saray al Hamra. The UNESCO project for buIlding the National historic museum in Tripoli, Libya (1979–1981)
Ivan Ruller
- Ptahanch: der Priester des Duau – DES Patrons der ägyptischen Augenärtzte
- References
- Postscript (List of Publications by Jiří Svoboda)