Journals production
Our basic service package
- We will help you with the registration of your journal to the Ministry of Culture's records of periodicals.
- We will assign an ISSN and take care of all related agenda.
- We will assign a DOI and include your journal to international cross-publisher citation platform CrossRef.
- We will distribute mandatory copies to public libraries.
- We will archive your journal, both physically and electronically.
Our extended service package
- We will connect you to a reliable graphic designer / typesetter.
- We will make sure your pdf has no defects and is ready to be printed.
- We will administer competitive tender, choose the printing house that meets best your requirements, take care of the order and invoicing.
- We will arrange for the copies to be delivered upon your request.
- We will help you include your journal to the University's editorial system OJS.
- We will provide you with our help in listing your journal to citation databases.