Archaeologia historica 49/2024/2
The introductory studies of this year's second volume of the journal Archaeologia historica are devoted to specific research activities and finds from Czech and Slovak castles and manors (Vysoké Veselí u Jičína, Buben, Čičava, Hrušov, Reviště). These are followed by excursions into early modern Czech and Moravian towns, expanding the existing knowledge of their fortifications (Jihlava), water canals and related technical structures (Pardubice) and material culture (Brno suburb). Three contributions focus on stove-making in the late Middle Ages and the early modern age (south-eastern Moravia) and the issue of heating devices (Ukraine). Also featured is research into deserted villages and their field systems, supported by lidar data and geophysical survey, as well as the interpretation of finds from the Drábské světničky rock complex. The final study presents the results of a new analysis of the available findings about the tomb of Prince Vratislav I from the Basilica of St. George at Prague Castle.
To be published in January 2025.