Statistická analýza sociálněvědních dat (prostřednictvím SPSS)

Published: 2019
Pages: 576
Format: 16,5 × 23,5 cm
Binding: paperback, hardback
Subject: Sociology
ISBN: 978-80-210-9248-8 (hard.), 978-80-210-9247-1 (paper.)
Ladislav Rabušic, Petr Soukup, Petr Mareš
Statistical literacy is part of the equipment of every self-assured citizen in today's world. Every day we are confronted with all kinds of numerical data, we are bombarded with the results of various researches and statistics. Statistical literacy is particularly important for students of the social sciences, as they will often have to prepare and process research based on quantitative data in practice. The authors of this textbook, themselves learned researchers, have drawn on their many years of experience teaching undergraduate courses in data analysis. As a result, they do not present an academic interpretation of statistics. Instead, they provide clear instructions on how to statistically analyse datasets containing quantitative data. The text is tailored not only to the needs and logic of teaching statistics in an undergraduate sociology course, but also to the logic of the popular IBM SPSS program used in the course. All the data files covered in the text and tools for practical data analysis, including scripts for SPSS, are available from this link.
The book is a follow-up to a previously published successful book by the same author team, the text has been expanded in many places and two completely new chapters have been added.
Petr Soukup, director of The Institute of Sociological Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
Ladislav Rabušic, professor at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University
Petr Mareš, CSc., professor emeritus, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University