Moderní analýza biologických dat

Published: 2012
Pages: 262
Format: 16 × 23 cm
Binding: paperback
Subject: biology
ISBN: 978-80-210-5812-5
Also of interest

2. díl. Lineární modely s korelacemi v prostředí R
Stano Pekár, Marek Brabec
Title in English: Modern analysis of biological data: 2. Linear models with correlations in R
The publication follows the first volume of Modern analysis of biological data and presents selected models and methods of statistical analysis of correlated data. Linear methods are useful in analysis of data with temporal, spatial or phylogenetic correlations. The book is a practical handbook of data analysis in one of world’s biggest statistical tools, freeware R. There are 19 resolved and commented examples that show correct ways of model construction and point out possible mistakes that can occur during data analysis. The text is open for all readers; special mathematical education is not required. The publication aims at students and experts from biological, agricultural, veterinary, medical, and pharmaceutical fields who need to correctly analyse results of their observations or experiments in a complicated structure of correlation between repeated measuring of identical subjects.
- Předmluva
- 1 Úvod
- 2 O designech
- 3 První pokus
- 4 Něco málo o vektorech a maticích
- 5 Modely
- 6 Struktura reziduí
- 7 Náhodné efekty
- 8 Generalized estimating equations
- 9 Marginální modely s normálním rozdělením
- 10 Smíšené a náhodné modely s normálním rozdělením
- 11 Marginální modely s nenormálním rozdělením
- 12 Použitá a doporučená literatura
- 13 Rejstřík