Mé celoživotní janáčkování. Hovory nejen o hudbě
Published: 2023
Pages: 97
Format: 170×240mm
Binding: paperback
Subject: musicology
ISBN: 978-80-280-0299-2 Edition: Mezi žánry (Between genres), Vol. 5
MILOŠ ŠTědroŇ a Jiří hanuš
This book is more than just a history of Janáček's music; it is a full-blooded testimony of a man of wisdom, a man of infallible intuition, a man who enjoys life, a man who approaches his world in a way that seeks to understand all its apparent or real paradoxes of the past century. Miloš Štědroň responds to Jiří Hanuš's questions about Leoš Janáček, Czech music and the emerging Czech identity with a charm that is difficult to replicate. There is a flow to his thoughts, and they are arranged in rapid succession, as if unconsciously captured in a private conversation. In this way he bridges the gap between the language of the profession and the language of everyday life.