Marienthal. Sociografie komunity nezaměstnaných

Published: 2013
Pages: 182
Format: 14 × 21 cm
Binding: paperback
Subject: sociology
ISBN: 978-80-210-6226-9 Translation by: Tomáš Vais
Marienthal. The Sociography of an Unemployed Community
Marie Jahoda – Paul F. Lazarsfeld – Hans Zeisel
Unemployment is one of the most pressing social issues of our time; it has social, economic, psychological and health consequences. The book presents the first major research on this topic. The study ranks among classical modern social scientific analysis, its methodology and content are most valuable for the present research of unemployment as well.
"One of the main theses of the Marienthal study was that prolonged unemployment leads to a state of apathy in which the victims do not utilize any longer even the few opportunities left to them. The vicious cycle between reduced opportunities and reduced level of aspiration has remained the focus of all subsequent discussions." So begin the opening remarks to the English-language edition of what has become a major classic in the literature of social stratification.
This is the first volume of the "First time in Czech" series. The aim of the series is to provide access to the important scientific and popular science books to Czech readers.
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- Jídelníčky a rozpočty
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