Hledání rajských zahrad. In Search of Paradise Gardens

Published: 2016
Pages: 480 + 44 folding pages
Format: 24 × 28 cm
Binding: hardback
ISBN: 978-80-210-8327-1
Bilingual Czech and English edition.
By the same author
In Search of Paradise Gardens
From Mount Elbrus to the Pillars of Hercules
Ivar Otruba – Tomáš Popelínský
The book is a sequel to the successful series of picture books by professor Ivar Otruba, the leading expert on Czech landscape architecture who keeps familiarising the readers with gardens of various regions and cultures of the world. This time, the author and his loyal photographer traveled to the Middle East and to the regions with traces of the rich Moorish culture (northern Africa and south of France, Spain, and Portugal). They found gardens with unique genius loci there, resembling even the Garden of Eden, the symbol of beauty, satisfaction, but also expulsion.
Prof. ing. Ivar Otruba, CSc. is a renowned garden and landscape architect with an unmistakable handwriting. His numerous project, realized at home and abroad, are based on a deep understanding of the historical heritage of the place. He is the author of a number of professional articles and representative publications with rich photographic accompaniment, such as the series Krásy anglických zahrad, Krásy italských zahrad and Krásy francouzských zahrad (published by Masaryk University Press in 2010).
Ing. Tomáš Popelínský belongs to the new generation of architects focused on garden and landscape creation. He is also a talented photographer and forms an artistic tandem with Professor Otruba.
Look inside:
We don't have to look for paradise gardens only in foreign regions, they are located in our country as well – in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. And without any doubt their charms they can withstand comparisons with the foreign ones. We offer you examples of Czech gardens selected by the authors of the publication. Come in and see!
- Prolog / Prologue
- Prameny / Sources
- Zahrady v horách Elbrusu, údolí Nilu i pod Vesuvem
- Gardens in the Elbrus Mountains, the Nile Valley and below Vesuvius
- Poznání / Learning
- Zahrady země Kanaán s řekou Jordán a Mrtvým mořem
- Gardens of the Land of Canaan with the Jordan and the Dead Sea
- Podnícení / Initiation
- Zahrady klášterů v jižní Francii a Portugalsku
- Gardens of the Monasteries in Southern France and Portugal
- Plynutí / Flowing
- Zahrady ve Španělsku — od Barcelony přes Córdobu a Sevillu na Mallorcu
- Gardens in Spain from Barcelona via Cordóba and Seville up to Mallorca
- Pokračování / Continuation
- Zahrady u sloupů Héraklových, v Portugalsku i na Madeiře
- Gardens at the Pillars of Hercules, in Portugal and Madeira
- Epilog / Epilogue
- Terminologický slovník
- Vocabulary of terms
- Místopisný rejstřík
- Index of locations