Drahé kameny Moravy a Slezska od renesance po secesi

Published: 2017
Pages: 170 pages + CD
Format: 21 × 30 cm
Binding: hardback
ISBN: 978-80-210-8549-7
The publication of the book was made possible thanks to the main sponsor.
By the same author:
Gemstones of Moravia and Silesia. From the Renaissance to Art Nouveau
Ivan Mrázek
Ivan Mrázek, renowned gemologist and winner of several awards for scientific literature, has long been systematically studying the works of art and art industry featuring precious stones. His new book deals with gem ornamentation of important cultural monuments of the modern period which can be found in various collections at museums, galleries, palaces, castles, churches and monasteries as well as in archaeological depositories in Moravia and Silesia. These objects tend to be primarily assessed from the perspective of art history, whereas the material itself awakens only limited interest as the art historians usually have little capacity to determine the gemstones. Dr Mrázek’s work therefore offers a completely new approach to discover rare cultural artifacts.
The book is supplemented by a CD with an extensive catalogue of photographs.