Co je to čas? Lekce z filozofie

Published: 2018
Pages: 125
Format: 15 × 18,5 cm
Binding: paperback
Subject: Philosophy
ISBN: 978-80-210-8834-4 Edition: Munice, Vol. 2
What is Time? Lesson in philosophy
Josef Krob
The second volume of the popular science “Munice” series leads us into the labyrinth of a philosophical questioning about TIME. Led by the thoughts of a number of great philosophers, from Aristotle to Prigogin, we reach eventually the inevitable intersection: time is either the most important element in the universe, or it does not exist at all.
The author of the book, Professor Josef Krob, works at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, and he has a long-term interest in the issues of time, space and meaning. Once again, his text is interwoven with the distinctive illustrations of Nikola Kalinová.
Munice [“ammunition”] is a new popular science series of Masaryk University Press. It brings current topics from natural, social, and human sciences in an accessible form and fresh graphic design. Munice is our contribution to your lifelong learning. Great for high-school graduates planning to go to university and for professionals looking beyond the horizons of their specialisation. Munice is knowledge packed so carefully and densely that you will easily finish each volume in one go on a train from Brno to Prague. Or on a plane to Barcelona. Munice gives space to erudite and charismatic personalities who will engage you with the most current topics. Munice is a window into the knowledge produced at our university.