Advanced data analysis in SPSS and AMOS

Published: 2022
Pages: 288
Format: 160×230 mm
Binding: paperback, e-book
Subject: mathematics
ISBN: 978-80-210-9935-7, 978-80-210-9936-4 (online ; pdf)
Petr Soukup
This book provides an introduction into selected advanced statistical techniques in social science. Specifically, the book focuses first on structural models (in particular, section analysis and confirmatory factor analysis), then on multilevel models (both linear and non-linear), and finally on procedures for dealing with categorical data (correspondence analysis and latent class analysis). In addition to explaining the theory behind each technique, emphasis is placed on applying them to real social scientific datasets.
The basic calculations in the book are performed in IBM SPSS Statistics and IBM SPSS AMOS. The book is accompanied by a website that contains all the datasets used and the assignments of the individual analyses, as well as additional material, namely the procedures of the analyses in other statistical programs (MPlus, JASP or R). The material on the accompanying website will continue to be added to, partly based on feedback from readers.
The book is a follow-up to the successful title Statistical Analysis of Social Science Data Using SPSS (Masaryk University Press, 2019).