15 let studentského divadla Fakulty informatiky Masarykovy univerzity. 1998–2012
Published: 2012
Pages: 118
Format: 20 × 20 cm
Subject: Art - Theater, History MU
ISBN: 978-80-210-5972-6
15 Years of Student Theatre at the Faculty of Informatics 1998–2012
Josef Prokeš
A publication to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of PROFITHEATRE at the Faculty of Informatics of the Masaryk University. On its 120 colour pages, it describes individual plays and memories of the audience. The anthology is dedicated to the memory of professor Ludvík Kundera who helped the theatre with dramaturgy in its early stages. It also contains many photographs which show the no longer existing premises of the faculty (pages 19–22) that vanished during its reconstruction. Perhaps the most appealing feature of the anthology is its humorous tone where students’ pranks mix with the nostalgia of the long gone. However, the anthology also includes controversial critical reviews of certain plays. An appendix with two latest plays has also been published in a limited number of copies and in the same square design as the anthology. The appendix is dedicated to the memory of Vendula Borůvková.
- Okruh „pozitivních deviantů“ dělá divadlo
- 1998 Lambda Kalkulka
- 1999 Přelet horkovzdušného balónu nad Fakultou informatiky
- 2000 Labyrint světa a lusthauz srdce
- 2001 Mezinárodní konference Femini di Brno
- 2002 Dilema mentálního dálnopisu
- 2003 Hamlet, kralevic dánský
- 2004 Nálevna U děkana
- 2005 Fyzikové
- 2006 Sajns fikšn (aneb vesmírná odysea po česku)
- 2007 Návštěva staré dámy
- 2008 Cukrárna Myriam
- 2009 Ptákovina
- 2010 Romeo a Julian
- 2011 Pulp Fiction
- 2012 Rychlé šípy na kolenou aneb Dlouhé Bidlo vítězí
- Vzpomínky pamětníků
- Jmenný rejstřík