Last year, Masaryk University Press sold more than 11,000 books and magazines
Besides its commitment to maintain high-quality editorial process, Masaryk University Press put equal emphasis on distribution. The distribution of university publications is the responsibility of Marek Konečný, who originally came to the press as a replacement for our colleague on maternity leave but remained a member of the permanent team and, as the figures show, he is doing more than well. In 2019, we sold 11,277 books and magazines on the book market, an increase of 56% compared to 2018, and sales increased by 35%.
Masaryk University publications are available throughout the Czech and Slovak book markets thanks to cooperation with the largest distributors Pemic, Kosmas and Euromedia. They help us sell more than half of the books. Another quarter is sold at Munishop and about a tenth are sold to libraries and end customers, for example, at book fairs. In addition, over 1,000 copies of books were distributed inside the Masaryk University (in particular the Masaryk University Calendar 1919–2019).
The vast majority of our titles are very narrowly specialized, so you won't find it so easily on the shelves of ordinary bookshops between cookbooks and detective stories. However, every bookseller in the Czech Republic and Slovakia can order any and every book thanks to the large book distributors. As Marek Konečný puts it: “More important than physical presence in bookstores is the fact that our books are enlisted in various Czech book e-shops where they are easy to find.”
Ten best-selling titles in 2019:
1. Gen (732 copies sold)
2. Moravský kras. Průvodce Josefovským a Křtinským údolím (671 copies sold)
3. Žítkovské bohyně. Lidová magie na Moravských Kopanicích (483 copies sold)
4. Genetika (444 copies sold)
5. Má to cenu? (372 copies sold)
6. Statistická analýza sociálněvědních dat (234 copies sold)
7. Kalendárium Masarykovy univerzity 1919-2019 (184 copies sold)
8. Mýty a tradice středoevropské univerzitní kultury (177 copies sold)
9. Sochařské Brno 1989-2019 (175 copies sold)
10. Regenerace a výživa ve sportu (154 copies sold)