2019 2nd AEUP Conference
(Re-)Shaping University Presses and Institutional Publishing
Profiles – Challenges – Benefits
Brno, Czech Republic, 13–14 June 2019
Hosted by Masaryk University and Munipress
The landscape of academic publishing is rapidly changing. Conventional funding and revenue models are declining, making scholarly publishing especially for those publishers challenging that serve small language areas or highly specialised target groups.
Meanwhile, new university presses have been founded all over Europe and beyond in the last few years, and existing ones are continually transforming towards digital dissemination. These changes respond to general trends in technology, dynamics in science policy, as well as funding programs and other initiatives, like PlanS pushing towards open access. The authors’, mainly scholars’ and researchers’, and their institutions’ prerequisites are constantly changing in the digital era.
Taking all this into account, this 2nd conference will be dedicated to questions concerning the task of (re-)shaping university resses and institutional publishing, especially:
What characterizes and challenges university presses nowadays?
What defines a professional press within higher education?
What are the benefits for scholars and researchers in publishing with institutional presses or academic library publishing services?
For more information please visit www.aeup.eu or contact Martina Dvoráková, AEUP board member, at dvorakova@press.muni.cz.